A: When are you going to register for classes?
B: My registration date is next month.
A: That is terrible.
B: Yeah, it is very late.
A: Mine is next week.
B: Why is your date so early?
A: I am a student athlete.
B: Maybe I should play a sport.
A: Soccer tryouts are tomorrow.
B: I don't like soccer.
A: Would you rather have a late registration date?
B: I actually would.
Nghĩa của từ:
- Register: đăng ký, ghi danh
- Registration: sự đăng ký
- Terrible: kinh khủng, ghê sợ
- Early: sớm, đầu tiên
- Athlete: vận động viên
- Tryout: thử sức
- Actually: thực sự