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Chúc mừng liên kết đã được tạo


A: Hey, you're in my English class!

B: Yes, I am.

A: Did you buy the textbook yet?

B: No, it's really expensive.

A: How much is it?

B: The original price is over $200.

A: We could buy it from a former student.

B: We could also buy the used version.

A: That is a great idea!

B: I will give you the website to buy used books.

A: Thank you so much.

B: No problem at all.

Nghĩa của từ:
- textbook: sách giáo khoa
- expensive: đắt tiền
- original: nguyên bản
- price: giá cả
- problem: vấn đề
- version: phiên bản

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